Helping you maximize your performance potential.


Allegro Performance + Wellness Allegro Performance + Wellness is an industry leader in promoting dancer health and wellness

We provide high quality, expert care and comprehensive education to support every dancer in reaching their maximum performance potential


Allegro Performance and Wellness is a boutique physiotherapy clinic in North Vancouver, BC with a focus on performing artists and artistic athletes. We offer a quality, comprehensive one-to-one treatment approach to help you maximize your performance potential.


What Makes Us Different?

At Allegro Performance + Wellness, we understand that dancers and artistic athletes are a unique combination of artist and athlete. As such, they require a specialized approach to assessment and treatment that not only assesses the physical aspect of their impairment, but also the aesthetic implications.


Is Physiotherapy Right For Me?

Whether you’re recovering from an injury or illness, want to be preventative in your approach to health, or are looking to enhance your skill or technique, physiotherapy can help!



Allegro Performance + Wellness

#303 - 1200 Lonsdale Ave
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 3H6


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